Delivery Time
Please review the information below to check the countries that can be free shipped and estimated delivery times. (Due to the large size and weight of electric bikes, and the particularity of batteries that cannot be transported by air, can only be transported by sea or rail, resulting in a long delivery time.Thank you very much for understanding and accepting the delivery time.)
Your parcel will be transported in two stages, the first stage is sea or rail shipping, and the second stage is FedEx or UPS or DPD or Postal or Truck logistics company and other express shipping. Your parcel first arrives in your country by sea or rail, then the FedEx or UPS or DPD or Postal or Truck logistics company will receive your parcel at the port or train station in your country, and update your parcel tracking information on their official website, finally deliver the parcel to your home.
You can first check the sea or rail shipping status of your parcel through the inquiry link of the sea and rail logistics company's website: (Please Google translate the page into English and enter the your tracking number for inquiries. If you can't find the information, please contact us to check and fix it)
Free Shipping Countries |
Delivery Time (business days) |
EU Countries & UK | 3-5 Business Days(If EU & UK warehouse has in stock) |
EU Countries & UK | 22-28 Business Days(If EU & UK warehouse out of stock) |
America | 3-5 Business Days(If US warehouse has in stock) |
America | 20-25 Business Days(If US warehouse out of stock) |
Australia | 20-25 Business Days |
Austria | 22-28 Business Days |
Belgium | 22-28 Business Days |
Bulgaria | 22-28 Business Days |
Canada | 3-5 Business Days(If Canada warehouse has in stock) |
Canada | 22-28 Business Days(If Canada warehouse out of stock) |
Czech Republic | 22-28 Business Days |
Croatia | 22-28 Business Days |
Denmark | 22-28 Business Days |
Estonia | 22-28 Business Days |
France | 22-28 Business Days |
Finland | 22-28 Business Days |
Germany | 22-28 Business Days |
Greece | 22-28 Business Days |
Hungary | 22-28 Business Days |
Italy | 22-28 Business Days |
Ireland | 22-28 Business Days |
Japan | 22-28 Business Days |
Kazakhstan | 22-28 Business Days |
Luxembourg | 22-28 Business Days |
Latvia | 22-28 Business Days |
Lithuania | 22-28 Business Days |
Malaysia | 7-10 Business Days |
Mexico | 30-35 Business Days |
Netherlands | 22-28 Business Days |
New Zealand | 20-25 Business Days |
Norway | 7-10 Business Days |
Portugal | 22-28 Business Days |
Poland | 20-25 Business Days |
Russia | 15-20 Business Days |
South Korea | 5-7 Business Days |
Singapore | 5-7 Business Days |
Spain | 22-28 Business Days |
Sweden | 22-28 Business Days |
Switzerland | 7-10 Business Days |
Slovakia | 22-28 Business Days |
Slovenia | 22-28 Business Days |
Thailand | 7-12 Business Days |
United Kingdom | 3-5 Business Days (If UK warehouse has in stock) |
United Kingdom | 22-28 Business Days(If UK warehouse out of stock) |
United Arab Emirates | 22-28 Business Days |